Courage from the Inside Out
Heart Health for Shaky Times
May 2 - May 3, 2025
Our Time Together
You are in for a great weekend of prayer, music, learning, fellowship, and good conversation! Spread out for learning and activities in a spacious meeting room and lovely grounds. Enjoy your own private bedroom, or share space with a friend or two; sheets and towels are provided. Meals are just a short walk away, and rides are available if needed. There’s a great little coffee shop on site as well!
Courage, Inside Out
It’s so hard to be and feel calm and confident in these turbulent days! Thankfully, our faith tradition offers examples and inspiration to guide us. Together we’ll explore the stories of David and Jesus to discover how they found courage in shaky times and practice simple, natural, even joyful activities that help us root and ground ourselves in the strong and steady love of God in Christ.
Our Presenter
Pastor Brenda Satrum is a Lutheran pastor, musician, spiritual director . She has a tender heart for and loves working with youth and young adults and all who live with doubts, questions, and suffering. She loves connecting with and extending the love of God through the story and Spirit of Jesus in Scripture, nature, and study, and delights in sharing old hymns, new songs, and everything in-between. Brenda lives in Shelton, Washington with her husband, the Rev. Dr. Doug Peterson, and her rude and beautiful Australian Shepherd, Xena (the Warrior Pup).
To register, please download, fill out, and return the form linked below. Cost ranges from $215 for the full event, single occupancy, to $75 for Saturday only. Registration is due by April 11 (early bird) or as late as April 25. Scholarships are available: Call Beth at 253-347-5083 or email bethlindell@hotmail.com.